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Siri Gaitree Meditations


Updated: Mar 1

Meditation for healing, vitality, balance and connection.

The Siri Gaitri (ramadasa) MANTRA creates a model for healing on a mental, spiritual, emotional and physical level.

Disease begins with a thought form (which generates emotional frequency). To establish a state of health, we need thought forms that generate mental, emotional and physical well-being. Siri Gaitri can instill the tendency for health in your consciousness, establishing this strong healing vibration in your mind. Then your actions and your entire being will follow this thought.

The Siri Gaitri mantra is like a rare diamond that captures the pure healing energy of the Universe. It can be translated as: As above, so below. It contains eight sounds that stimulate the flow of consciousness, while bringing balance and a renewed flow of vitality to the core of our energetic body.


RA – SUN, fire element. Strong, bright, energizing, purifying. There would be no life on Earth if the Sun did not bathe us with pranic life force. Working with the Sun is the highest practice of Kabbalah. The Sun is a source of energy, life and warmth. In other words, the Sun is the heart of our universe. The Sun purifies and energizes.

MA – MOON, water element. It is refreshing, receptive and nourishing. MA invokes the cosmos through the sound of compassion, and provides a reference to the mother which brings help and healing.

DA – EARTH, connection to the Earth. Safe and personal, it provides the basis for action.

SA – AIR, impersonal infinity. The expansive cosmos, the totality. It draws the healing of the Universe to us.

SA SAY – The second SA draws the energy of Infinity into us. It is the personal experience of wholeness and embodiment of SA.

SO – Personal sense of fusion and identity.

HUNG – The infinite vibration. SO HUNG is the sound of our breath: we breathe in SO and breathe out HUNG. It means, “I am you.” (As you chant HUNG, press your navel lightly.)

The first part of the mantra (ramadasa) is ascending and expanding to the heavens, connecting us to infinity through the ascending elements and invoking the energies of the sun, moon, earth and Infinite Spirit to bring deep healing.

The second part of the mantra (sasaysohung) spins these qualities and brings us back. It intertwines the ether with the earth, causing the spirit to descend from above into matter to animate and vitalize it with healing and life. In other words, the second part of the mantra brings the healing qualities of the upper world back to Earth.

As with the Star of David (whose symbol is two intertwined triangles), this mantra interconnects Spirit with Matter. The sounds of this mantra integrate opposites and balance the brain to activate neutrality. (As allopathic medicine states, CONTRARIA CONTRARIS CURANTUR – opposites are healed by opposites.)

This mantra heals by attuning the Soul to the vibration of the Universe, which is pure and without disease or pain. Each repetition is a complete cycle through the chakras that purifies the physical and subtle energies. It aligns and elevates our energy to the frequency of divine healing on the physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual levels. It harmonizes and elevates all levels! It can help preserve the body and pave the way for positive mental projection. Chanting or listening to this mantra will ward off depression, energize and inspire our life.

This mantra has worked in the past, it works now and it will work in the future. There is no time, place, space or condition associated with this mantra that burns the seed of disease. “It worked for three thousand years, why wouldn’t it work now?”

👉 Reminder 1: Pull the navel while chanting Hung.

👉 Reminder 2: Chant adi mantra before any Kundalini Yoga practice.

MUSIC: There are many musical options for this mantra such as: Mirabai Ceiba, Snatam Kaur, Sat Kirin Kaur, Gurudass, etc. In my video I am playing Sangeeta Radha’s version, “Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung.” (This is a rendition of the Canon in D originally done by Pachelbel – one of my all-time favorites to play on the piano.)

MUDRA: There are four mudras that are especially appropriate for this mantra.

For our 40-day practice I suggest two options: Gupt Kamal Gyan or hands on heart (mudras 1 and 2).

▹ Mudra 1

Gupt Kamal Gyan mudra means, “The knowledge of the hidden lotus.” The effects of this mudra: Creates a state of energetic, mental and emotional balance. It relieves stress and anxiety while inducing us to a state of harmony that fosters connection to our true Self.

The key word for this mudra is BALANCE. It balances the two hemispheres and the elements ida and pingala, as well as the masculine and feminine qualities. It is sometimes called the brain power mudra because it helps with focus, concentration and memory. It strengthens and amplifies the coordination between the lungs and the heart, making us feel renewed and with greater vitality.


1. Sit in Easy Pose with your spine straight.

2. Relax your elbows and bring your hands together in front of your chest, at heart level.

3. With your palms facing each other, you spread your fingers an equal distance apart and press the corresponding fingertips of each hand together (index fingertip to index fingertip, ring fingertip to ring fingertip, etc.).

4. Focus on the tip of your nose.

5. Chant the Siree Gaitree Mantra. Take a deep breath and chant, Ra Ma Da Sa; followed by a quick inhale and continues Sa Se So Hung.

To finish: Inhale, exhale and relax.

Time = 5-31 minutes


▹ Mudra 2

Dove pose. Hands on heart and eyes closed. Focus healing on the heart. You can close your eyes. Time not specified.


▹ Mudra 3

Traditional Siri Gaitri mudra with palms facing upwards, elbows close to the ribs and eyes closed. The hands are at a 45 degree angle from the center of the body. Keep your palms wide open and facing upwards throughout the practice (flat but not tense). Sing a complete cycle with each breath. Move your mouth with each sound. Pull in the navel with the sound "hung." "Hung" is a short sound-not long and drawn out. To finish, breathe in, hold and offer a prayer of healing for yourself and/or for someone else. Visualize healing. (x2). Then inhale and stretch your arms above your head and release your hands. Time: 11-31 minutes.


▹ Mudra 4

Simple Sank with eyes directed towards the nose. The right hand is on top of the left and the right thumb is on top of the left. The fingers are relaxed and slightly curved. Sing with strength and volume. To finish, breathe in and visualize the healing (x2), stretch your arms above your head and release your hands. This mudra works with the air element (vayu) to bring positive change.  

Time: 11-31 minutes.




       🙏 PRACTICE VIDEO - Siri Gaitri + Gupt Kamal

       ℹ️ TEACHING VIDEO - Siri Gaitri + Gupt Kamal


⚕️ All information provided here within is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.



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